Having a c section is not the easy way out by any means. It is an abdominal surgical procedure and women are often left with little information or guidance on how to care for their scar and physical recovery. The added responsibility of the new mum role from day one often leaves little room for a mum to focus on herself. Pain, dysfunction and poor aesthetic healing are very real consequences of this which also don’t support and uplift a women’s mental health.
Scars need management post procedure. The maturing tissue requires input aka care to develop optimally. Specifically with a c section this will help with better abdominal activation, reduced symptoms off bladder incontinence, less pain with sex and other activities, emotional healing and the list goes on.
The initial 6 weeks are all about primary recovery plus settling in and getting to know the little person who has come into the world. Scar management is simple and easy. Keep the scar covered and hydrated. A combination of micropore and scar science (or alternatively reputable scar cream) will protective scar form the outside world and allow inflammation and initial healing to occur. It also assists in preventing infection and supporting the new tissue so that the scar doesn’t open.
By 3 weeks gently sensory training can be introduced to the scar. In-between micropore changes gently run a make up brush over the scar. An ear bud can also work well. This is gentle and soft and help desensitise the tissue. Using a small round ball roll this back and forth plus up and down over the scar. This helps with early tissue mobility and pressure adaption. Don’t just go onto the scar, work the tissue above and below too.
By 3-6 weeks once you feel a little more at ease touching the scar and feeling improvements the scar is ready for rougher textures like a toothbrush and soft spikey ball. A slightly deeper massage can also be applied to the scar and surrounding tissue.
By 6 weeks once you have checked in with your OBGYN you can start using silicone strips and/or topical gel. Silicone offers further support and hydration to the maturing scar. This softens and nurtures the collagen changes which leads to optimal scar healing. It’s medically recommemded to use silicone for a minimum of 6 months to see good results.
&her Women’s Wellness offers various products that can assist and support managing a c section. Simple to use following the above guidelines these are available online to order through the &her website and delivery is to your doorstep.
Don’t neglect YOU and your scar xx